DRB DOCKET 2012-084
Uncharacterized, COMDTINST M1000.4, 1.B.15, JFY, Adjustment Disorder,
Change Separation code, RE-entry code, and Narrative Reason
Separation Authority amended to COMDTINST M1000.4, Art 1.B.19
TIS | 0 yrs, 1 month, 15 days
Policy Implications _| None
The applicant was discharged for unsuitability due to diagnosis of an adjustment disorder. The applicant was
screened for underlying mental health issues at recruit training in late 2011. After just 26 days in service, the
applicant went to the Base Psychiatrist to speak of the inability to cope with the day-to-day stressors of boot
camp. The applicant mentioned their family history with depression and the recent death of a brother-in-law.
Additionally, the applicant spoke of being homesick and doesn’t feel that the military is the right career. The
psychiatrist’s summary is ‘Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety and Depressed Mood’ which does not meet the
minimum standards for retention in the CG. The closing line of the text indicates that the member will need a
psychiatrist’s clearance and endorsement prior to any potential reenlistment.
The applicant has since employed the services of an attorney to state an opportunity to respond on CG form
4920 wasn’t afforded. In accordance with ALCOAST 252/09, the SPD code of JFY is an involuntary discharge
directed by an established directive when an adjustment disorder exists, not amounting to a disability, which
significantly impairs the member’s ability to function effectively in the military environment. The applicant
was properly notified of the intent to discharge prior to leaving the service. No objection was made and the
applicant declined making a statement regarding the discharge.
The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case. The applicant’s record supports the discharge
for adjustment disorder, which carries an RE3G reentry code. This is the appropriate SPD code based upon the
nature of the applicant’s discharge and failure to complete the initial term of service. The applicant and
enclosed attorney brief do not provide any supporting evidence to refute the psychiatrist’s summary and
diagnosis that led to the entry level separation.
An RE3G reentry code is not an affirmative recommendation for reenlistment, rather it represents that the
applicant is not recommended for reenlistment due to a disqualifying factor. Based upon the policies and needs
of the gaining Service the RE3G code may be waived. An RE] is not appropriate or authorized for adjustment
disorders. The board does recommend that the applicant’s DD-214 should reflect the Separation Authority of
1.B.19 vice 1.B.15. The command’s discharge recommendation and admin remarks do accurately list 1.B.19,
the 214 does not. Ch. 1.B.19 allows for the mechanism to separate the member without the probation and "due
process" that are required under 1.B.15.c., 1.B.15.d after members are in service for greater than 180 days.
Final Adjudication by Assistant Commandant For Human Resources: No relief other than the
administrative change to the Separation Authority listed above.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 014
- Spring 2009: Clinic recommended to Discharge the applicant based on the diagnosis of an Adjustment Disorder, the command notified the member of the intent to discharge. - Two months later: Applicant was Discharged from USCG for Unacceptable Conduct. The Board voted 5-0 to recommend relief on the following items: Narrative Reason: Adjustment Disorder SPD code: JFY RE code: RE-3G The applicant’s character of service and separation authority stand as issued.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 057
In the first four months at the new assignment, the applicant was very unstable and suffered with depression which became a burden to the command. Additionally, the applicant made suicidal gestures and comments to gain more attention; amplifying their inability to cope as a productive crew member. In accordance with (post-policy) ALCOAST 252/09, the Board recommends a change to SPD code JFY, Narrative Reason of Adjustment Disorder, and a Re-entry code of RE-3G.
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 054
After just a few months, the applicant had difficulty adjusting to military life and went to the clinic for a psychiatric review. In accordance with (post-policy) ALCOAST 252/09, the Board recommends a change to SPD code JFY, Narrative Reason of Adjustment Disorder, and a Re-entry code of RE-3G. The FY series was to be aligned with the new narrative reason of ‘Adjustment Disorder’ which is best suited for the medical assessment made by the Navy Medical Center in Portsmouth in late 2006.
CG | DRB | 2012 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2012 082
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2012-082 Honorable, COMDTINST M1000.6, 12.B.16, JFX, Personality Disorder, RE4 Change Narrative Reason; Upgrade to RE code Upgrade to RE3; Amended to Adjustment Disorder and JFY SPD code ADMIN None CORRECTIONS TIS 6 months, 13 days Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged in 2001 due to unsuitability based upon the diagnosis of an adjustment disorder. Therefore, the Board recommends that the applicant’s narrative reason...
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 022
The Board finds no issues with propriety and equity on this case. The board recommends no relief. As issued, the applicant received an Honorable discharge.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 048
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-048 CURRENT DD-214 Honorable, COMDTINST M1000.4, 1.B.12, JFV, Condition, not a disability, RE3G RE3G BY DRB CORRECTIONS TIS 0 yrs, 9 months, 0 days Policy Implications _| None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Condition, Not A Disability in 2012. The command processed the Discharge paperwork and it was effective after 9 months service. The Board finds no issues with propriety or equity in this case.
CG | BCMR | Medals and Awards | 2011-250
In this regard, PSC stated the following: In accordance with ALCOAST 252/09,1 the applicant’s record should be corrected to show that he received the separation code of JFY [adjustment disorder, not amounting to a disability] with the corresponding narrative reason of adjustment disorder. In light of the above, PSC recommended that the applicant’s DD214 be corrected by changing the separation code to JFY, the reenlistment code to RE-3G, and the narrative reason for separation to adjustment...
CG | BCMR | Discharge and Reenlistment Codes | 2011-250
In this regard, PSC stated the following: In accordance with ALCOAST 252/09,1 the applicant’s record should be corrected to show that he received the separation code of JFY [adjustment disorder, not amounting to a disability] with the corresponding narrative reason of adjustment disorder. In light of the above, PSC recommended that the applicant’s DD214 be corrected by changing the separation code to JFY, the reenlistment code to RE-3G, and the narrative reason for separation to adjustment...
CG | DRB | 2013 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2013 019
The Officer of the Day ordered the applicant back to the base as soon as possible. After a thorough review, the applicant’s record supports a diagnosis of adjustment disorder. The Board therefore recommends that the applicant’s narrative reason for discharge be changed to “Adjustment Disorder” with SPD code “JFY”.
CG | DRB | 2014 - Discharge Review Board (DRB) | 2014 014
DRB DIGEST/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRB DOCKET 2014-014 RE-3G, Adjustment Disorder, SPD code and Sep Auth amended. None 0 yrs, 11 months, 23 days | Policy Implications | None Policy Implications None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant was discharged for Personality Disorder in September 2000. In accordance with (post-policy) ALCOAST 252/09, the Board endorses a change to SPD code JFY, Narrative Reason of Adjustment Disorder, and a Re-entry code of RE-3G.